Amorphous Si area detectors manufactured by GE are currently used at APS and CHESS to acquire far-field high-energy X-ray diffraction data. The data from such detectors is stored in multi-frame, 16-bit depth binary images with 8192 bytes of header data. The data files typically have an extension .ge2
. Since ImageMagick is able to deal with raw binary images like any other image format, it is possible to easily manipulate ge2 files using the convert
command-line utility. I have written a gist that shows some simple ways of processing GE2 images using ImageMagick.
# Miscellaneous Diffraction Image Processing Commands # This file defines aliases for several common image processing # functions for GE2 diffraction images. This uses ImageMagick # program, which is typically available on all Linux and Mac # systems - # USAGE: # Copy the contents of this file to the bottom of ~/.bashrc # Run from terminal: source ~/.bashrc # After this, following commands should be available # 1. Convert TIFF to GE. Saves input.ge2 # tiff2ge input.tiff # 2. Convert GE to TIFF. Saves input.tiff (Note: The produced TIFF may seem to have very low # intensity. That is because, GE2 has 16-bit depth. So the intensity # can go from 0 to 65000. Detectors at APS and CHESS generally max out # at 16000 counts. So even high intensity points have only 25% intensity. # You can stretch the intensity range of the TIFF using ImageMagick - # convert -normalize original.tiff bright_output.tiff). If the GE2 file has # multiple frames, TIFF is multipage. You can split TIFF into individual frames # using - convert multipage.tiff frame_%05d.tiff # ge2tiff input.ge2 # 3. Maximum over frames (saves a single frame with maximum intensity. Name: input-max.[ge2 | tiff]) # max_over_frames input.[ge2 | tiff] # 4. Mean over frames (saves a single frame with mean intensity. # Good for creating a dark frame from a sequence. Name: input-mean.[ge2 | tiff]) # mean_over_frames input.[ge2 | tiff] # 5. Extract a single frame from a multi-frame image. Saves multiframe_frame_num.[ge2 | tiff] # extract_frame multiframe.[ge2 | tiff] frame_num # 6. Subtract dark frame from a (single or multi-frame) image. Saves input-dark-subtracted.[ge2 | tiff] # subtract_dark input.[ge2 | tiff] dark_image.[ge2 | tiff] # 7. Show FF data in a parent directory. This lists all ge2 files inside # subdirectories. The output format is such that the GE2 list can be # used e.g. in a heXRD config file. # show_ff_data path/to/parent/directory # # Convert TIFF/PNG etc to GE2 (single or multi frame, works on multiple files) function tiff2ge() { for var in "$@" do echo "Processing : tiff2ge : $var" filename=$(basename "$var") extension="${filename##*.}" filename="${filename%.*}" convert "$var" -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048 gray:"$filename".ge2.tmp dd if="$filename".ge2.tmp of="$filename".ge2 obs=8192 seek=1 rm -f "$filename.ge2.tmp" done } # Convert GE2 image to tiff function ge2tiff() { for var in "$@" do echo "Processing : ge2tiff : $var" filename=$(basename "$var") extension="${filename##*.}" filename="${filename%.*}" convert -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 gray:"$var" "$filename".tiff done } # Max over all frames function max_over_frames() { for var in "$@" do filename=$(basename "$var") extension="${filename##*.}" filename="${filename%.*}" if [ ${extension^^} == "TIF" ] || [ ${extension^^} == "TIFF" ] then echo "Processing : max over : $extension : $var" convert "$var" -evaluate-sequence max "$filename"-max."$extension" elif [ ${extension^^} == "GE2" ] then echo "Processing : max over : $extension : $var" convert -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 gray:"$var" \ -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048 -evaluate-sequence max gray:"$filename"."$extension".max dd if="$filename"."$extension".max of="$filename"-max."$extension" obs=8192 seek=1 rm -f "$filename"."$extension".max fi done } # Mean over all frames function mean_over_frames() { for var in "$@" do filename=$(basename "$var") extension="${filename##*.}" filename="${filename%.*}" if [ ${extension^^} == "TIF" ] || [ ${extension^^} == "TIFF" ] then echo "Processing : max over : $extension : $var" convert "$var" -evaluate-sequence mean "$filename"-mean."$extension" elif [ ${extension^^} == "GE2" ] then echo "Processing : max over : $extension : $var" convert -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 gray:"$var" \ -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048 -evaluate-sequence mean gray:"$filename"."$extension".mean dd if="$filename"."$extension".mean of="$filename"-mean."$extension" obs=8192 seek=1 rm -f "$filename"."$extension".mean fi done } # Extract a specific frame from multi-frame image function extract_frame() { filename=$(basename "$1") extension="${filename##*.}" filename="${filename%.*}" if [ ${extension^^} == "TIF" ] || [ ${extension^^} == "TIFF" ] then echo "Processing : extract frame $2 : $extension : $1" convert "$1"[$2] "$filename"_"$2"."$extension" elif [ ${extension^^} == "GE2" ] then echo "Processing : extract frame $2 : $extension : $1" convert -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 gray:"$1"["$2"] \ -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048 -evaluate-sequence max gray:"$filename"_"$2"."$extension".tmp dd if="$filename"_"$2"."$extension".tmp of="$filename"_"$2"."$extension" obs=8192 seek=1 rm -f "$filename"_"$2"."$extension".tmp fi } # Subtract a dark frame from an image (not tested for multiframe) function subtract_dark() { filename=$(basename "$1") extension="${filename##*.}" filename="${filename%.*}" if [ ${extension^^} == "TIF" ] || [ ${extension^^} == "TIFF" ] then echo "Processing : subtract dark : $extension : $2 from $1" convert $1 null: $2 -compose difference -layers composite "$filename"-dark-subtracted."$extension" #composite -compose difference $1 $2 "$filename"-dark-subtracted."$extension" elif [ ${extension^^} == "GE2" ] then echo "Processing : subtract dark : $extension : $2 from $1" convert -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 gray:$1 \ -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 null: gray:$2 \ -compose difference -layers composite -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 "$filename"-dark-subtracted."$extension".tmp #composite -compose difference -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 gray:"$1" \ # -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 gray:"$2" \ # -endian LSB -depth 16 -size 2048x2048+8192 "$filename"-dark-subtracted."$extension".tmp dd if="$filename"-dark-subtracted."$extension".tmp of="$filename"-dark-subtracted."$extension" obs=8192 seek=1 rm -f "$filename"-dark-subtracted."$extension".tmp fi } # Display file numbers from an ff directory function show_ff_data() { # Find all directories with name ff and loop over them find "$@" -not -empty -name "ff" -print | while read f; do # Show directory name echo "$f" # Get size of all contents in the directory (in bytes) tot_byte_size=$(du -b "$f") # By default du prints the folder name too. Strip that. tot_byte_size=($tot_byte_size) tot_byte_size=${tot_byte_size[0]} # Estimate number of FF frames assuming one frame = 2048*2048*2 bytes num_frames_estimate=$( echo $tot_byte_size / 8388608 | bc ) # Get size of all contents in a human readable unit (M, G, T) tot_file_size=$(du -h "$f") tot_file_size=($tot_file_size) # Print total size and frame number estimate echo Total size = ${tot_file_size[0]}, Estimated frames = $num_frames_estimate # List the contents of the folders filenames1=$(eval ls \'"$f"\' | tr '\n' ' ') filelist='' # Clean up the filenames assuming ff_%5d.ge2 format for filename in $filenames1 do filenum1=${filename:3:5} filenum=$(echo $filenum1 | sed 's/^0*//') filelist+=", $filenum" done filelist1=${filelist:2} # Print comma separated list of file numbers echo $filelist1 done }